Shaykh-ul-Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Abdul Raheem (hafizahullah) has a good command on the Tafseer of Quran and is well versed with Hadith shareef. He delivers lectures in local Masaajid and helps the Muslim community by creating Islamic awareness among fellow Muslims.
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Sheikh Latest Updates
رمضان ضيف كريم فعلينا إكرامه بالاستعداد له | Markaz | Paris | 5.2.25
TafseerRaheemi · Bayan in Arabic | Markaz | Paris | 5.2.25
Ladies Bayan On Preparing For Ramadhan | Paris | 5.2.25
TafseerRaheemi · Ladies Bayan On Preparing For Ramadhan | Paris | 5.2.25