2 Wazifa’s For Seeking a Suitable Marriage Partner
2 Wazifa’s For Seeking a Suitable Marriage Partner 1️⃣ Recite 3x after every namaz: رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ 2️⃣ Recite 111x
2 Wazifa’s For Seeking a Suitable Marriage Partner 1️⃣ Recite 3x after every namaz: رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ 2️⃣ Recite 111x
Wazifa to Remove Abusive Behaviour of Children & To Calm Them Down Prescribed by Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Saheb R.A Put hand on the
Brief Biography of Sayyiduna Hussain Radi-Allahu Anhu By Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem hafizahullah Born: Sha’baan 4AH Demise: 10 Muharram 61AH Age: 57 Lineage:
A Brief Biography of Sayyidah Fatima Radi-Allahu Anha By Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem hafizahullah Sayyidatuna Fatima Radi-Allahu Anha was the youngest and the
MUHARRAM, AASHURA, KARBALA, SAHABA, AHL AL-BAYT By Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem Hafizahullah “Muharram” means “sacred” and it is one of the months declared
After Ḥajj Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm Respected Ḥujjāj-e-Kirām! Alḥamdulillāh, we have completed our manāsik of Ḥajj. May Allah accept from us all, and grant us Ḥajj-e-Mabrūr
Travelling to Mina on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah By Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem hafizahullah Ummul Mu’mineen Aysha Radiallahu Anha narrates that I said:
Virtues of the Day of ʿArafah By Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem hafizahullah Umm al-Mu’minīn ʿĀisha (Raḍiyallāhu ʿAnhā) reports that Rasūlullāh ﷺ said: There
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TafseerRaheemi · Ramadhan Aur Quran – Kitna Parhay Aur Kaise Parhay (Zakariyyah Masjid, Bolton 140 – 23/06/2014)
Important Advice for the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah & 10 Points on Qurbani By Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem Hafizahullah • In
Du’ā of Rajab الهم بارك لنا في رجب و شعبان و بلغنا رمضان “O Allah give us Barakah in Rajab & Sha’bān and let us
NEW YEAR MESSAGE By Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem hafizahullah Every entrepreneur has to keep on top of his business to make a profit.
Black Friday Shopping!!!! by Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem hafizahullah Here’s some Islamic advice for those rushing to the sales! 1) When going to
Guy Fawkes Day/Bonfire Night History Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Day, Bonfire Night and Firework Night, is an annual commemoration observed on
What is I’tikāf? Why Is It Done? by Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem Hafizahullah I’tikāf means seclusion. There are countless benefits to seclusion, which
10 Beneficial Tips to Prepare for Ramadhan ???? by Shaykh Abdul Raheem Limbada hafizahullah 1. To Keep Some Nafil Fasts in the Month of Sha’baan
Shabe Barā’at: The Night of Emancipation By Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem Sahib Ḥafizahullāh A significant feature of the month of Sha’ban is “Layla
Summary of Shaykh Abdul Raheem’s (hafizahullah) talk in Arafaat, based on the last sermon in Hajjatul Wadaa. After Hamdo Salat: “This place has a history
By Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem Sahib (Ḥafiẓahullāh) ﷽ Viruses have come and gone, and no doubt they will come in future. But this
Dua to Remove Anxieties, Worries & Difficulties Read the following 300 times daily: حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيلنعم المولي و نعم النصير
IS COVID-19 VACCINE HALAL? by Shaykh al-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Raheem Saheb hafizahullah Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Some friends enquired about the COVID 19 vaccines and
This is a summary of a talk by Shaykh Abdul Raheem Limbada Hafizahullah There is too much fear put out there for Coronavirus, Covid19. If
Protecting your Imaan: A Six Point Guide. By Shaykh Abdul Raheem Edited by Mukhtar Master Faith and iman is without doubt the greatest blessing that
A Quick Look At the Duas you can add in your Dhikr list which upon reciting you can easily gain. TREMENDOUS reward:- 1. SUBHANALLAHI WABI
Ramadhan Mubarak to everyone! Today or tomorrow whenever you’re starting!!! Enjoy a few Ramdhaan tips for women!! By Aysha Bint Abdul Raheem It’s that time
???????? ???????? *Few Tips To Focus on Salah* By Shaykh Abdul Raheem Hafizahullah Salah can be considered as a priceless gift from Allah. It brings
إذا عاين الحاج بيوت مكة فيقل: Upon reaching the boundary of the sacred precinct, recite the supplication which is recited by Allah’s virtuous and learned
When biding farewell to someone going on a journey, recite: أَسْتَوْدِعُ اللَّهَ دِينَكَ وَأَمَانَتَكَ وَخَوَاتِيمَ عَمَلِكَ “(I make) Allah responsible for your deen, your trustworthiness
Salams Shaykh! I am from a university and they do their khutbah in English. I follow the Hanafi madhab and I enquired with the head
23- Quranic Gem ‘Quran is Enough’ او لم يكفهم أنا أنزلنا عليك الكتاب يتلي عليهم “Isn’t the Quran, which we have revealed to you which
22- Quranic Gem ‘Sura Kahf’ Ever wondered why Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) asked us to recite Surah Al-Kahf every Friday This surah has
21 – Quranic Gem ‘Lofty Character’ و انك لعلي خلق عظيم When we study the Seerah of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه و سلم we see
20 – Quranic Gem ‘Salah and Desires’ فخلف من بعدهم خلف اضاعوا الصلوة و اتبعوا الشهوات فسوف يلقون غيا “Then there succeeded them a posterity
19- Quranic Gem ‘The Soul’ و يسؤلونك عن الروح قل الروح من امر ربي “And they ask you about the soul. Say, the soul is