Q390: What does batgumani mean? Is it allowed?
Question What exactly is batgumani? And what does it mean when it says it’s not allowed? Answer Batgumani means to think bad about someone. Eg. he/she is stupid,
Question What exactly is batgumani? And what does it mean when it says it’s not allowed? Answer Batgumani means to think bad about someone. Eg. he/she is stupid,
Question Assalam o Alaikum! I want to ask that can we read wazeefah for others’ help? Like if somebody asks us to pray for him
Question Assalam o Alaikum! I want to ask that if we make a friend on the internet and strongly consider him brother then will it
Question Can you provide all the duas when drinking zamzam water? Answer ‘O Allah I beg from you beneficial knowledge, righteous deeds, abundance of sustenance and
Question Can dua be in any language or is it a must to be in Arabic? Answer Outside salah dua can be made in any
Question When doing dua can you read the dua from book/paper etc. if you do not know it by heart? Answer Yes you can take
Question Is the stick that is used in the khutbah Sunnat? Answer Yes, it is sunnat for the imam to be holding a stick during
Question Is swimming sunnah? Answer Our Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam would swim sometimes also. (Shamail e Nabawi)
Question Assalamu-alaikum, Can you please check Raddul muhtar Kitab aljihaad bab almurtad on Imam Haskafis saying مستحل الرقص where Allam shami (ibn abidin ) comments,
Question Is naming a boy Yasin makrooh? Answer It’s jaiz – some mufassireen have said that it is among the names of the Prophet sallallahu
Question Molana are we allowed to make dua to Allah asking for so many and loads of Hurs in Jannah? Answer Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam
Question Is there any dua for coughing, burping, passing wind? Answer There is no dua
Question Can you give dua to make eyesight excellent? Answer May Allah preserve your eyesight and make it excellent. Read “ya nooru” eleven times after
Question If you pick up any rubbish from the masjid floor, do you get a Hoor for each rubbish piece you pick up? Answer One
Question Can you give the arabic duas for asking Allah for jannat and seeking refuge from hell. Answer اللّهمّ إنّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ الْجَنّةَ وَمَا قَرَّبَ إلَيْهَا
Question Is there such thing as haraam haircut should it be called non-sunnah haircut? Answer Yes, hair should be cut neatly and modestly. The sunnah
Question How do you overcome tiredness? How did saintly people, buzruks and scholars of the past spend most their time in ibaadat etc. and sleep
Question Can you play free fantasy football online? Answer Does it involve paying money? If yes, then it’s qimaar (gambling), which is haram. If no,
Question Do you get sawaab for every single moment/second you wear a jubbah, topi or immamah? Answer Yes, you get thawaab for wearing the sunnah
Question Can to give a dua for excellent memory. And can you give dua for excellent Qur’an hifz memory Answer 1 – One practice for
Question Is it bad to lie on stomach and sleep? Is it true shaytaan does something to you while you sleep if you sleep lying
Question Can you give me a dua to become an expert driver and is there a dua to pass the test? Answer One should supplicate
Question Are sideburns part of beard? Does the beard start at the jawbone or does it start at the above bone? Can you trim sideburns?
Question salaams sheikh,. I try to allocate new job and i wish to quit my current job due to certain reasons. But whenever I apply
Question What should you do if you drop the Quran by mistake? Put money in sadaqa? What colour imamas did the holy prophet sallallahu alayhi
Question Is it permissible to trim the beard? Answer If it is very big – more than one fist – then you are allowed to
Question Assalamu-alaikum, if my hands have touched something napaak (such as sperm), if I dry my hands but do not wash them and then touch
Question If you make dua in a group, do you face the Qiblah or the person who you are doing dua behind? Is it better
Question Assalamualaikum, Our local mosque arranges 3 buses to go together to graveyard for ijtimaai dua. Every year night vigil is practiced with tea and
Question I am a darul uloom student and I am in my thrid year of aalim course studies. I just want to ask regarding my problem,
Question Asalamualaikum, How does a person gain confidence? For example a person gets very nervous about doing a bayaan how can this be tackled? Answer
Question Asslamu-alaykum shaykh, When you are travelling, do we need to pray sunnats (muakaddah) and Witr? How many miles/km and days is it when you
Question Moulana-saab, I am considering getting rid of my computer because it can often times serve as a source of fitna; but at the same
Question Assalamualykum, What does it mean when the sheikh says “1 tasbeeh” or “2 tasbeeh”? Does it mean 1=100? Jazakallahu khair Answer Yes, it does.
Question Asslamo Allaikum Shaykh, I heard your Urdu Bayan on dua and then I translated the Wazeefa which you have given at the beginning for
Question How do you take out a Jin which has been with a person for many years? And What Happens if you read surah Fatiha
Question Assalamualykum Sheikh, I am from Toronto, Ontario from Madina masjid. Moulana I get a lot back pain, do you know any duaas I can
Question Is it sunnah to carry a staff/walking stick even if I’m under 40? Answer Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not use a staff
Question I play a lot of football and I have sprained my ankles many times. I was wondering if there is any duas, zikir, surats
Question Assalamualaikum. Most of the time I get very angry at my kids and husband even when they haven’t done anything. All day I’m busy
Question I just wanted to know when people say for e.g. pray something (zikr) in the morning and evening, does it mean after Fajr and
Question Salaams, Shaykh I hope your in best of health. Are personal injury claims halal, even if you not hurt in the accident? And what
Question Salaam, I’m studying to become a Alima I’m in my last year and I would just like to ask if there is anything I
Question Are we allowed to pick and choose different aspects from the 4 Imams or should we follow all the examples of the Imam we
Question Is there any duas/surahs you can read for a good marriage partner/inlaws and wanting to have your own house after marriage. Jazakallah khair Answer
Question Can you tell me about the book ‘Hizbul Azam’ i.e who wrote it and what do ulama ikraam say about it? Answer Mulla Ali
Question Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. Is there a dua to be recited when it snows? If not, should we use the same dua
Question Assalamu alaykum Is there a dua to pray to save you from calamities and problems? Jazakallah Answer Abundance of Durood Shareef
Question Salaam, If I was praying Asr salaah and whilst I was praying, the azaan for Maghrib is called, Is my Asr salaah valid? I know
Question Is braiding of the hair a Sunnah for men? I’ve heard about this from a few people but can not find any evidence of