The Official Site of Shaykh Abdul Raheem
(Damat Barakaatuhum)

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The Official Site of Shaykh Abdul Raheem
(Damat Barakaatuhum)

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Lillah Appeal

£ 100000
Qarz Remaining

By the grace of Allah SWT we have purchased a former health centre for Deeni purposes in Bolton, Greater Manchester. Alhamdulillah, the property is approximately 6300 sq feet with nearly 20 rooms on 1.3 acres of land and has approximately 50 car park spaces. The property was purchased for just under £800,000.00.

We will inshaAllah utilise the property from morning to evening providing facilities for salah, evening classes, a day time nursery, as well as an office for our website. We hope to make it an educational hub for Muslims in the area and also benefit all our friends who follow us on the internet from around the world.


£ 200
250 People to Contribute
£ 50
500 People to Contribute
£ 50
1000 People to Contribute

Please make dua that everything is made easy, and please help in whatever way you can, whether financially, physically or by helping us to raise funds.

We have been providing evening Aalim class education for the past 4 years. Alhamdulillah we taught Mishkat shareef last year and starting Bukhari shareef classes from January InshaAllah. We were using a Local masjid for these classes and we were helping them out with the rent. However, they informed us that they have some future projects and they wanted us to leave by the end of December.

Please make dua for ease of everything and please help with whatever is in your capacity. We need lillah, as we have to furnish the property and we will also need to pay off the loans ASAP.


Bank details for direct depositing:

Tafseer Raheemi
A/c 7300 6025
Sort code 01-30-99