The Official Site of Shaykh Abdul Raheem
(Damat Barakaatuhum)

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The Official Site of Shaykh Abdul Raheem
(Damat Barakaatuhum)

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Tafseer Of Surah Dahr


The Tafseer of Surah Al Dahr by the honourable Shaykh Abdul Raheem (hafizahullah).

128 pages


945 in stock


In 2017, Shaykh Abdul Raheem [Hafizahullāh] delivered a series of Tafsīr lessons in Urdu on Surah Al-Dahr (Also known as Sūrah Al-Insān) at Masjid Alī in Bolton. Years later, these teachings having resonated deeply with students and listeners alike and have been transcribed and translated into English — now available to a wider audience.

This book offers profound reflections on Sūrah Al-Dahr, exploring themes that are as relevant today as ever. Immerse yourself in this enriching Tafsīr. May it deepen your understanding and connection with the Holy Qur’ān.

The Author

Shaykh Abdul Raheem Limbada [May Allāh preserve him] is a graduate of Darul Uloom Bury. After graduating, he pursued further study at Mazāhir ul Uloom, Saharanpur (India). He also studied the science of Iftā (Islamic Jurisprudence). Shaykh has spent more than 30 years teaching and lecturing on the various texts that form the Dars Nizāmī Curriculum. For over three decades, Shaykh was appointed as a Senior Lecturer of Hadīth and Headteacher at Darul Uloom Bury. Shaykh is the founder of Tafseer Raheemi located at HLCE in Bolton, UK. Shaykh has Ijazah to narrate Hadīth from Hadhrat Maulānā Mohammad Zakarīyyā (May Allāh enlighten his grave) and other Esteemed Scholars. Shaykh also guides people along the path of Tasawwuf and has authorisation from various great luminaries like Shaykh Yūsuf Motālā, Shaykh Yūnus Jaunpūrī and Hadhrat Peer Sahib Rahmatullahi Alayhim. His lessons on Tafsīr and Hadīth are broadcasted regularly. Various discourses and Q&A’s are available on his website

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