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Q99: Is Oral Sex Haram?

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Assalamualaykum Mufti.

A question was recently asked of me about the ruling of oral sex. The person who asked me also wanted to know if there was any mention regarding it in Ahadeeth. Though I seem to remember that this act is not permissable, I could not verify it with a hadeeth.

Could you please help me so I may in turn inform the person who asked the question?



First, you shouldn’t look for a hadeeth for every ruling, because you won’t find a hadeeth for everything. Sometimes you will put forward a hadeeth and people will say ” it’s not in Bukhaari”.

So the Shariah has a framework and the Ulama work within that framework. Here, the Shariah encourages modessty. You will find ample of ahadeeth for ‘Haya’. Also masturbation is severely disliked. Also sex has it’s limits. Anal sex is haram, sex during menstruation is haram. Also the mouth and the tongue is for Zikrullah, Tasbeeh, Istighfaar and tilaawat. Also, during oral sex, there is the risk of najaasat on the organs and a risk of it entering the mouth. Also the medical experts attribute many illnesses with this abhorred act.

This habit was never thought of during that Golden era of the Sahabah radiyallahu anhum (In fact , not even here a few decades ago) so you won’t find hadeeth regarding it. You will have to use your brains for such a clear cut mas’ala. The muftees say it’s not allowed. Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpoori Rahmatullahi alayhi has mentioned this in his fataawa.

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