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Q407: Is tawbah accepted after disrespecting perents/ustaads?

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I’ve heard from various ulama that they say that if one is disrespectful to parents and ustaads, then does tawbah, this will never get his tawbah accepted. I mean Allah say’s in the quran ‘I accepted the repentant of a person who repent’ can you please explain in detail.


Maybe what they mean is that tawba will not be accepted if the parents don’t forgive, because huqooqullah are forgiven by Allah but in huququlibaad. Allah does not interfere, so not just with parents but with others too, You have too ask for forgiveness from them. In some cases Allah will offer a higher rank in jannah to the person who was wronged, if he pardons the wrongdoer, which he will do and Allah will keep His promise.

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