Question- What does lanatulahi alayh mean?
Answer- ‘lanatulahi alayh’ means ‘May the curse of Allah be on him’. This should not be said except regarding someone who’s death upon Kufr is known with certainty e.g. Firaun, Abu Jahl and Iblees etc.
Question- What does lanatulahi alayh mean?
Answer- ‘lanatulahi alayh’ means ‘May the curse of Allah be on him’. This should not be said except regarding someone who’s death upon Kufr is known with certainty e.g. Firaun, Abu Jahl and Iblees etc.
TafseerRaheemi · Bayan in Arabic | Markaz | Paris | 5.2.25
TafseerRaheemi · Ladies Bayan On Preparing For Ramadhan | Paris | 5.2.25