Question: I have had a problem for some time now is that when ever I see my wife with love or she sits next to me or touches me or even talks to me on the phone I get wet, its not semen but the fluid before. This can happen all day long. I keep a tissue all the time but do I need to have a Ghusl every namaz or will just doing Istinja suffice. I am worried about this. To avoid this happening I stay angry with her most of the time which I don’t want to because I love her very much.
You are yet young, so this can happen to healthy young men, you should find some cure for this, otherwise, you’ll get really weak as life goes on. Contact your GP or a a good hakim. Find the number of hakim umar siddiqui on this website.
Hazrat Ali رضي الله عنه had this problem and enquired. He was told that it only breaks the Wuzu and necessiates washing the private part. Ghusl only becomes Fardh when semen comes out after excitement and slacking follows erection.
You shouldn’t get angry with your wife for this reason, it’s your fault not her’s, treat her with love, respect and proper care.