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Q474: Watching movies about Islamic Figures

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Watching movies about Islamic Figures.
Question: in regards to the new Islaamic Movies, in which actors portray the lives of great Muslims of the past, like Imaam Ghazali, Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, sultan Salah-ud-deen Ayyubi,etc.
The purpose of these movies (according to the makers) is to teach the audience about these great figures.
Is it permissible to watch these movies?

Answer: This depends first and foremost on the material it contains and who made the movies. Most of the time the facts are not correct like the movie about the battle of Uhad. There are many discrepancies in there. It is better to read an authentic book rather than watching such stuff. However, it is of a lesser degree than watching other movies, fiction and drama.

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