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Q550: retaining memories in jannah

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Question 1- Will we retain all our memories of dunya in Jannah?

Answer: Yes, we will retain the memories of this world in jannah.

Allah says in suratul baqarah,
كلّما رُزقوا مِنها مِن ثَمرة رزقا قالوا هذا الذي رُزقنا من قبل
Translation: Every time they are given a fruit from there to eat, they will say, “This is what we have been given before;” (Al-Baqarah 2:25)
This could mean that we use to eat this fruit in the Dunya e.g. Banana, cherry, pomegranate, dates etc.

In surah Saffaat:
فَأَقبَلَ بَعضُهُم عَلىٰ بَعضٍ يَتَساءَلون قالَ قائِلٌ مِنهُم إِنّى كانَ لى قَرينٌ يَقولُ أَءِنَّكَ لَمِنَ المُصَدِّقينَ
​أَءِذا مِتنا وَكُنّا تُرابًا وَعِظٰمًا أَءِنّا لَمَدينون قالَ هَل أَنتُم مُطَّلِعونَ فَاطَّلَعَ فَرَءاهُ فى سَواءِ الجَحيمِ
قالَ تَاللَّهِ إِن كِدتَ لَتُردين وَلَولا نِعمَةُ رَبّى لَكُنتُ مِنَ المُحضَرينَ أَفَما نَحنُ بِمَيِّتين
“They will turn to each other and ask questions. One of them will say “I had a companion who used to say to me, ‘Are you one of the believers? (in the day of judgement) Are we, when we are dead and have become mere dust and bones – Are we to be repaid? He will say: Do you want to have a look? Then he will look and see him in a terrible area of the blazing firel. He will say: By Allah, thou very nearly caused my ruin. And had it not been for the favour of my Lord, I too would have been of those haled forth (to doom).
(Surah as-Saaffaat 50-58)

In surah Mutaffifeen:
إِنَّ الَّذينَ أَجرَموا كانوا مِنَ الَّذينَ ءامَنوا يَضحَكون وَإِذا مَرّوا بِهِم يَتَغامَزون وَإِذَا انقَلَبوا إِلىٰ أَهلِهِمُ انقَلَبوا فَكِهينَ وَإِذا رَأَوهُم قالوا إِنَّ هٰؤُلاءِ لَضالّونَ وَما أُرسِلوا عَلَيهِم حٰفِظينَ فَاليَومَ الَّذينَ ءامَنوا مِنَ الكُفّارِ يَضحَكونَ عَلَى الأَرائِكِ يَنظُرون هَل ثُوِّبَ الكُفّارُ ما كانوا يَفعَلون
Lo! The guilty used to laugh at those who believed, and wink to one another when they passed them. And when they returned to their own folk, they returned jesting. And when they saw them they said: Lo! these have gone astray. Yet they were not sent as guardians over them. This day it is those who believed are laughing at those who disbelieved, (they are reclining) on high couches, observing (the favours of Allah). Are not the disbelievers paid for what they used to do?
(Surah al-Mutaffifeen verses 29-36)

Also it comes in a Hadeeth that the people of Jannah will not regret over anything except over that moment which passed without the remembrance of Allah”
عن معاذ إبن جبل رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم” ليس يتحسَر أهل الجنة إلا علي ساعة مرضت بهم لم يذكروا الله تعالى فيها (رواه الطبرانى و البيهقى في شعب الإيمان

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