Question: What is the Hanafi ruling of doing wudhu in difficult conditions – is it fardh, wajib, mustahab etc.
Allamah Ibn Nujaym Misri writes in Al Ashbaah wan Nazaair page 70 :
“Difficulties are of two types:
1) Difficulty from which ibaadaat are NOT normally free. Eg feeling cold during wudhu or ghusl, or difficulty in keeping lengthy fasts during summer period and in hot climates, difficulty of travelling during Hajj etc.
These difficulties have no affect in absolving one from ibaadaat. We have to tolerate them and fulfil Allah’s command.
2) Difficulties from which Ibaadaat are normally free.
This has degrees:
A) Serious injurious difficulties Eg. Fear of losing ones life or limbs , this will have an affect on lightening the command. Similar is the case when haj journey is impossible due to severe problems on the way, (Eg. War breaking out, flying no longer safe)
B) Light difficulty, for example, slight pain in the finger, light headache or feeling a little bit unwell. This has no affect in flexibility in the command. No attention will be paid towards this, because fulfilling the command of Allah is more important than paying attention to this type of difficulty.
Now the answer to your question is that if by ‘difficult conditions’ you mean that you are left in severe pain or could even die (as can happen if you are ill and the climate is very cold), then the Shariah allows for Tayammum to be done instead of wudhu.
On the other hand, if by ‘difficult conditions’ you mean it is inconvenient, for example on a plane, or in the school or college sinks, then it is still fardh to do it.
Doing a full wudhu in such inconvenient circumstances will bring you extra rewards.
If you find it hard to do a full wudhu because of the circumstances or environment you are in, you could do the minimum acts – wash face, arms, wipe over the head, and wash the feet.
If washing the feet is difficult, you could wear leather socks (which can be bought from most Islamic shops or online) and wipe over them instead of washing them. However, if you wish to do this, ensure that you meet the preconditions that must be met to wipe over the socks.
May Allah grant us understanding of our Deen and make practicing upon it easy for us. Ameen. (A. Hafiz1/12)