Asalamualikum Dear Sheikh (Damad baraktuhum)
This is aqeeda issue. Sheikh, please I need a complete or an adequate answer to understand this delicate point.
I hope you are fine and in good health, inshaAllah. I was reading your tafseer of surah Yusuf, it was very good and I showed it to some of friends. But as you know there are always some so-called ‘ulti-khopdis’ or twisted-heads who read it and started nauzubillah complaining that yusuf (alihisalam) was nabi and he fell prey to his nafs by undressing. When I argued with them they started blaming (nauzubillah) another prophet (alihis salam) (I am sorry I cannot remember his name) that when his nation wanted to kill him, he sought refuge in a tree and didn’t ask Allah. So Allah (SWT) didn’t help him. Now, I am sure that there will be many cases like this in the stories of prophets. The point that I want to ask is for myself, to understand that nabi is masoom but when such questions come up how to tackle them or answer them? . How do we make this belief that nabi is masoom and hasn’t done anything on his own. Whatever he did, he was made to do by Allah (SWT)? Or may be any other explanantion.
Sorry to disturb you and causing inconvienience.
Jazakallah khair
The story of Yusuf alayhissalam undressing is not true. Some mufassireen have narrated it, but it’s from israailiyyat and false.
The prophet who sought help from a tree is said to be sayyiduna Zakaria alayhissalam. His son Yahya alayhissalam was murdered right before his eyes and he fled for his life when the isralites ran after him. The tree spoke and said الي الي “Come towards me! Come towards me” it opened up, he accepted the offer, and went inside. There is no sin in there as this opening of the tree was a miracle and a sign from Allah (swt).
Prophets being masoom is a well established fact. Imam Fakhruddin razi has risalah on this subject. Ml Idrees kandhalwi rahmtullahi alayhi has also touched this subject in Surah al baqarah, 3rd ruku’ under the story of sayyiduna Adam alayhissalam.