Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh
I have recently started helping a convert in learning more about Islam and alhumdulillah she seems very interested and willing to learn. Today, she said that when she was first learning about Islam she had two passions that she said she wouldn’t be able to leave, one being music and the other driving her motorcycle. I didn’t really know what to say about the motorcycle and I told her some harms of music and how it calls us towards indecency and away from the zikr of Allah.
I was wondering if you could tell me a few things to tell her in regards to this especially about the music, or if there is any beneficial english bayaan or article I could send her. Jazakallahu Khayr and forgive me for taking up your time.
Walaikumussalam w w
Sorry for delay in reply. If I forget you must send the same question again after a few days. I have been a lot busier recently and have become a bit lazy as well. May Allah forgive me and grant me some chusty to do things on time.
I was trying to look for a bayan on music and songs by mawlana mahmood chandia. It was on the interislam site but it seems that it’s no longer there.
Good luck in your endeavours to help the revert, but remember your knowledge is still not comprehensive, so don’t go into too much detail otherwise doubts could creep into your mind as well.
Motorcycle for ladies cannot be classed as haram, however due to the manner of sitting on it and due the fact that it creates a sense of arrogance in the rider, as the motor bikers have a special culture of their own, it will be disliked, especially when there is no necessity. The respected ladies of the past used to travel on camels and not on horses.
Music is not allowed but it’s hukm is not as clear cut as the hukm of interest, gambling, drinking, consuming haram etc. There are Qurani ayaat which indicate towards it’s abhorrence also many ahaadeeth indicate towards it. But that is just indication and the mas’ala remains ijtihadi. Mujtahideen have differed in their research. Some have classed it as haram while others said it’s makrooh.
This ikhtilaaf could be because there is huge variation in music. Hard, soft, rock and roll, with fuhsh lyrics ie sexy wordings, without them, sad music for funerals, joyous for weddings etc. So each one will have a different ruling. Fuhsh will be haram, whereas non fuhsh will be disliked, and much indulgence in it will render a person ‘non aadil’ ie unable to testify in a shariah court.
Since the lady is a revert, don’t go too hard on her. Keep explaining until she herself realises and feels like abandoning it.
There is scientific evidence that music affects the development of the brain, it causes swelling in the cerebrum, too much of it prevents a person from thinking right. You will never see the learned people indulging in music.
Islamically, it hinders in zikrullah, it’s a tool of shaytan for controlling the human brain, it creates hypocrisy in person ie many music lovers show themselves to be pious while they are fond of songs and listen to them secretly. Musical instruments becoming widespread is a sign of qiyamah. Pop stars’ culture is also a sign of qiyamah. The people of jahiliyyah were very fond of music but the prophet (saw) never listened to music. When he passed by a place where there was music, he thrust his fingers in his ears and kept walking until he went so far that the music’s noise faded away.
There is nice book titled ‘slippery stone’ by khalid baig. Read it, it’s very informative.
May Allah help you and take the work of deen from you. Be steadfast on your ma’moolat.