Question: Can a woman cut her hair (not shave or to look male) as Indian Scholars appear to say it is forbidden while Arab scholars say it is permissible.
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It is not permissible for a woman to cut her hair just for fashion and show off. However if it grows so long that it is very difficult to take care of, then a short amount can be cut as long as it does not entail to resemblance with men. Islam considers long hair to be a source of pride and beauty for a woman.
As for the Hadith in Muslim Sharif, that the wives of the Prophet Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam would cut their hair, it should be remembered that this was after the demise of the Prophet Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam.
After his death, his beloved wives left those things which relate to beautification. The same way a woman leaves out fashion and beauty during her Iddat when her husband passes away, the same way the Wives of the Messenger Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam left means of beauty and adorment for the rest of their lives, as it was not pemissible for them to marry again. The ruling for them was different, that is why this Hadith cannot be used a proof for the permissibility of woman cutting their hair for beauty.
Secondly, they used perform Haj every year and also they would perform lots of umras. And after the completion of the nusuk, hair equivalent to one fingertip need to be cut in order to get halal. So this is why their hair became short.
Thirdly, their cutting was not to emulate anyone. Whereas today the intention of our young girls is to follow the latest trend. “Actions are according to intentions”
So be careful not to fall in the trap of being copycats or of following the nafs.
قال عياض: المعروف أن نساء العرب إنما كن يتخذن القرون والذوائب، ولعل أزواج النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم – فعلن هذا بعد وفاته – صلى الله عليه وسلم – لتركهن التزين واستغنائهن عن تطويل الشعر وتخفيفًا لمؤنة رؤسهن، وهذا الذي ذكره القاضي عياض من كونهن فعلنه بعد وفاته – صلى الله عليه وسلم – لا في حياته، كذا قاله أيضًا غيره (كالمازري والقرطبي والأبي) وهو متعين، ولا يظن بهن فعله في حياته – صلى الله عليه وسلم -، وفيه دليل على جواز تخفيف الشعور للنساء – انتهى كلام النووي. قال الشنقيطي: وقوله ((فيه دليل على جواز تخفيف الشعور للنساء)) فيه عندي نظر لما قدمنا من أن أزواج النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم – بعد وفاته لا يقاس عليهن غيرهن، لأن قطع طمعهن في الرجال بالكلية خاصة بهن دون غيرهن، وقد يباح له من الإخلال ببعض الزينة ما لا يباح لغيره حتى إن العجوز من غيرهن لتتزين للخطّاب، وربما تزوجت لأن كل ساقطة لها لاقطة. (مرعات المفاتيح 9/268
And Allah is All Knowing
(Ismail k 2/12)