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Q870: Mother stops me from going to masjid

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Mother says not to go Masjid

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In regards to your parents, you have to be very, very careful; especially if it is your mother who is instructing you.

In your situation, we have to first evaluate the situation. Why does she not want you to go? Maybe she has problems with walking to her needs or maybe she needs you to help do her khidmat at home. In that case, you should stay in her khidmat and inshallah you will get sawab of jamaat for your intention.

However, if she is in good health and there is no reason for her to forbid you, then you should go without making too much of a fuss. If she gets angry with you and shouts, don’t answer back but be patient.

Allah Ta’ala razi hojaye hidayat naseeb farmaye. Ameen.

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