Salam, I pray all is well.
I wanted to ask about the Day of Ashura. Some are saying we should buy gifts for family on the day of Ashura.
I’m not sure what the correct opinion is.
Can you please tell me if i should buy gifts or not.
The word in Hadith is وسع “wassa’a” which means to expand. So spending a little bit extra on wife and kids is meant in the Hadith.
Some people take it out of context and make it like Eid; giving presents to all family & friends etc.
This should be avoided. Don’t make it an Eid.
In particular, there is nothing in the Hadith which indicates one give gifts to friends, because the Hadith say عياله “dependants” and friends aren’t included in this.
Keep roza and prepare something good for iftaar.
If the wife was in need of some household goods which you were unable to provide until now, try to cheer her up by providing it.