Question: Is Wudhu accepted if using medicinal nail lacquer? Answer: If she has been advised by a reliable doctor to use Amorolfine nail lacquer and
Question: If a child is born and dies within one week, do we need to perform aqeeqah for the deceased baby? Answer: It is not
Question Assalamo Alaikum wrwb Someone told me that when one becomes naked the angels separate from him and in case he talks, the angels sand
Question: Assalam walikum Shaykh, My name is ……… and i am from Toronto and live near by Madina Masjid. I am a student and only
Slms My question is re. Zakah. Since my marriage I lent my husband money to assist him (my income prior to marriage). I have kept
Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabarakatuh. Q: Mr A wants to buy a property for £150k, he doesn’t have the money, He ask for Qarz e Hasanah
As I’ve got fungus on 3 of my left toes, I’m doing the treatment for it, I apply the fluid in the morning and then
Salam tomorrow i have dr appointment for my throat ear and nose and he is going to put camera is it ok with fasting pl
‘Preserving your Deeds’ و لا تكونوا كالتي نقضت غزلها من بعد قوة انكاثا “Do not be (foolish) like the woman who shredded her spun