The Official Site of Shaykh Abdul Raheem
(Damat Barakaatuhum)

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The Official Site of Shaykh Abdul Raheem
(Damat Barakaatuhum)

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A Gift For Nikah


by the honourable Shaykh Abdul Raheem (hafizahullah). Approx 150 pages



Alhamdulillāh, this book which is in your hands ‘A Gift for Nikāh’ by our dear and respected Shaykh Abdul Raheem Limbada (Hafizahullāh) is an invaluable addition to the Muslim bookshelf on the topic of marriage. It is equally beneficial for those seeking to get married, those already married, and those who have children of marriageable age. The book comprehensively and systematically covers the various issues surrounding marriage; from the virtues of marriage, advice on selecting a suitable spouse, to marriage itself and maintaining a healthy marriage once married. May Allāh SWT reward his efforts and the efforts of all those who have assisted him in any way, and may He make this book a means of helping Muslims to uphold healthy Islamic marriages, Ameen.

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari [Dāmat Barakātuhum]

Shaykh Abdul Raheem hafizahullah is a graduate of Darul Uloom Bury. After graduating, he pursued further study at Mazāhir ul Uloom, Saharanpur (India). He also studied the science of Iftā (Islamic Jurisprudence and delivering verdicts on the rulings of Sharī’ah). Shaykh has spent the last 30 years teaching and lecturing on the various texts which form the Dars Nizami Curriculum. He currently teaches at Darul Uloom Bury. Shaykh travels tirelessly around the country and around the world delivering talks in order to educate and rectify the Muslim community. He has also authored many books, articles and delivered many lectures.

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1 review for A Gift For Nikah

  1. Rohan Hussain

    Mashallah another great book by Shaykh Abdul Raheem sahib. May allah increase them in their knowledge and place even more barakat in their health, wealth, family and time.

    I would recommend this book to purchased way before you are considering a potential spouse as the book gives valuable advice on what to look for in a person also. Also a great book to gift if you know anyone going through the process. It proves how simple a nikkah should and could be!

    *Shaykh sahib if you see this then please remember me in your duas*

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