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The Official Site of Shaykh Abdul Raheem
(Damat Barakaatuhum)

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Q443: 3 questions

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Asalaamu Alaykum respected Mufti saab, whilst you were in musjid e quba I would listen to the live streaming, at times the live feed would become distorted so I missed a few crucial bits. You gave nasihat on reciting durood daily and the benefits. In the recommended tarteeb did you say 5000? should you recite in one sitting or can you move around whilst in this zikr? Also did you mention a particular durood?
On another occasion you were explaining how the shia sect was created and you mentioned a kitaab that was available in english an urdu, could you please kindly tell me the name of this kitaab? Dua ki dharkast Jazakallah.
Wa Salaamu Alaykum


Walaikum Salam
The Durud sharif Does not have to be read in one sitting, you can read whenever you get time throughout the day. The one I mentioned was “Sallahu alan nabiyyil ummiyy”.
The book I recommended was “Irani inqilaab, Imam Khomeini aur Shi’iyyat”, It was written in Urdu and has been translated into English as well.


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