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The Official Site of Shaykh Abdul Raheem
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Q541: cure for nazar

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i needed some advice and guidance, i have recently been struck with something unusual. i was absolutely fine but for the past two weeks i have been feeling very restless, my head constantly feels like someone has pinched it and it feels really tight, i keep getting anxiety and keep getting bad waswase which are disturbing me to the extent that they cause anxiety. I prayer 5 time a day and follow the sunnah to the best of my ability. i keep thinking it could be nazar. Can you please guide me on what dua i or my family should read and how i can protect myself from all evils, as i feel very depressed and confused jazakallah khair

Walaikumussalam, Don’t show any distress, that is exactly what shaytan wants to see. Keep up your salah, and practice on the wazeefa of surah fatiha, ayatul kursi and four Quls mentioned on our website. That will get rid of any nazar which might have affected you.

May Allah grant you peace and sukoon, and protect from the evils of what we see and what we don’t see. Wassalam

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