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Q695: Items found lying around

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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuhu,

I pray that you are are well by the grace and Mercy of Allah insha’Allah,

I would like to ask you something regarding an item which is usually found on the floor/street such as cupboards, umbrella’s etc.
In this situation sometimes it is thrown in a particular place which you may be aware that they don’t really want it, or they might be no owner for it.

In this this situation is it permissible for a person to just pick it from the floor and utilise it?
I also meant any found items which are usually dumped near people’s houses? Or things which are left or found on the floor.

Jazakallah khair for utilising your time.
I apologise for any inconvenience.

Please keep us in your humble supplications.




Such items are classed as luqatah in the eyes of shariah.

If it’s expensive you are supposed to announce and find the rightful owner so you can return it to them.

However, if the item is insignificant in the eyes of the owner, you are allowed to take such items (cupboards in the street etc) as the ex-owners do not want possession of them any longer.

If you know that the found item is such that the owner will be looking for it and want it returned to them (eg mobiles, keys, wallets, purses etc.) It will be necessary for you to find the owner and return it to them. You will get thawaab for this.


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