Q48: There is this video series called the Arrivals, I want to ask should the information be believed or is much of it false?
Q45: Spilrit and Spirit vinegar, 0.01 Percent Alcohol in foods and Is it true about a woman who does not cover her hair, Shaytaan will pee on her on Qiyaamah?
Q37: If your baby is 7 month old and you are breast feeding, then can one not fast or do they have to fast?
Q34: If I’m looking for a wife and meet a sister who does not wear the niqab/face veil would I be sinful in accepting the marriage?
Q33: Is it permissible for men to shave/wax there chest or any other bodily hairs? Is it Sunna to pluck the pubic hairs?
Q31: Is it permissible to have a part-time job as a makeup artist? I only offer my services to Muslim sisters for their wedding day.
Q24: My wife wanted to divorce. We already presented before the judge and would soon get divorced. I wanted to know if we still have Nikah even if one day we might live apart!
Q21: Is there anything I could pray and blow onto a baby or something that makes the baby have a good upbringing and…