Q565: Having an equal haircut
Question: You said in one question that sunnah guideline having equal cut. In other question you said it is important. So is it sunnah, or
Question: You said in one question that sunnah guideline having equal cut. In other question you said it is important. So is it sunnah, or
a.s.a.v v bap ki khusi kliye hume kiya kiya karna jahiz he or kiya karna najahij he? Answer: Ja’iz Kaam mein ita’at waajib he, aur
Question: When a women experiences menstruation, usually she will be affected by PMS/PMT (Premenstrual symptoms/tension).This is physical, mental and emotional behaviour. It affects some women
Question: Is this encouraged and is it a good thing to do: Meeting someone before they go hajj or umrah Meeting someone after they return
Q4.Is Rizla and swan filter tips permissible to sell to retail shops جزاكم الله خيرًا A4. It would be permissible to sell Rizla and Swan
Q1.salaam shaykh how are u? i have a major problem,i have a freind that i have known for many years,for the past 4 years he
Question: I work for the council. I have to give out lots of presents at Christmas time. Can I use interest money for that. Answer:
As salamu alaikum Dear Mufti Saab, A brother and I had fikr about giving Dawah to non-Muslims in a wise way and I wanted your
Question: My friend says he masturbated while seeing a picture of a non-mahram woman. And asked for forgiveness about that. Then he married that lady’s
Question: Is it OK to listen qawalli which is HAM’D NAAT MANKABAT Etc Answer: The listening/playing of musical instruments such as the accordion is haram.
Question Are fake eyelashes and eyelash extensions allowed? Answer Both fake eyelashes, which are a one-piece eyelash glued to the existing eyelash, and eyelash extensions,
Question: If a person sinned as a child, is he held accountable? Answer: No, because you are only held accountable for your actions after you
Watching movies about Islamic Figures. Question: in regards to the new Islaamic Movies, in which actors portray the lives of great Muslims of the past,
salam molana I hope and pray you are in the best of health i have been reading your works for sometime know my name is………………..
Question I just want to know the reason why tattoos are haraam in Islam. Answer When Shaytaan was thrown out of Jannah, he portrayed open
Question Can you tell me all the rules and permissibility’s for wearing a condom when having intercourse with wife? Answer Actions are according to intentions,
Question Is it permissible to keep parents/your kids/wife’s pictures etc. in your wallet? Answer No, you shouldn’t keep them in a wallet.
Question Assalam o Alaikum! I want to ask that if we make a friend on the internet and strongly consider him brother then will it
Question Can you give advice and duas to get over a crush/lust you have for someone? Answer ‘O Allah make your love the most beloved
Question Is the name Irfan عرفان pemissible to keep? Does it mean knowledge? Answer Yes, it means “knowledge, recognition.”
Question Can a man wear imitation silk jubbah? And can a man wear shiny jubbah e.g shiny black, shiny brown, shiny blue shiny grey etc.? Can
Question Is it empasised in Sunnah to dress and look neat, tidy, good smartly? Or should one dress and look untidy to be modest? Answer
Question When should you make daughters start wearing Scarfs Answer One should accustom one’s daughters to wear a scarf, and in general abide by the
Question If your mum or dad asks you to do little everyday things such as putting light on, opening window etc. do you get so
Question Is wearing shirts, pants, jeans, t-shirts, bottoms and other non sunnat clothes haraam or are we allowed to wear them? (men) Answer It is
Question Can you wear contact lenses? Are you allowed to wear any colour or should they be clear? Are you allowed to get a gold
Question Assalaamu-Alaikum Maulana Saheb, Is it permissible to work in stores such as ASDA, Tescos and others which sell Alcohol, Pork and Lottery tickets? Answer
Question Salaam Hazrat, I have a few questions if you could help me please, Are men allowed to wear platinum rings? Are we allowed to
Question Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Shaykh! Molana, We were always taught that it was haram to take photos, make video films etc. I understand that
Question Salaam Moulana I have a question, nowadays it is impossible to buy a house and mortgage is haram. I am getting married and the
Question Is it permissible to shave the beard during the necessary to work? Wa JazakAllah Answer No, Sikhs don’t shave and still hold high profile
Question I am Bengali and all my life when eid comes or weddings special occasions we would bow down and give salaam by touching their
Question: When one has a haircut, does it have to be one blade (equal length)? Answer Yes, it is important to have an equal length
Question Assalamualaykum Shaykh. Please can you give me a dua to pray to find a suitable job? Please can you give me a dua to
Question Could you please tell me the ruling for smoking sheesha or hookah? I have heard from some that it is makrooh and from others
Question Assalamualaykum, Can we have a discounted rate for Members of our anjuman to various services provided, e.g., Madrasah fees, hall hire etc. Answer Yes,
Question Salaam. There is a complete body check (pat down) or scanning at the airports Which one is permissible. If the traveler has a choice
Question I borrowed a book from a non-muslim primary school library and never gave it back, I then used it and it is now damaged,
Question Are we allowed to mix with our cousins as in sit with them and talk openly with them about anything and everything. And what
Question Living in the west almost every job is in a mixed environment. Therefore what is the ruling of men and women working in the